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St. Louis Divorce Attorney : Is Alimony Reform Necessary in Missouri?

Spousal Support Attorney

Our firm’s goal is to assist couples in need to navigate their way through these important, life-changing events. Spousal support, or alimony, is a tricky component of divorce. Different states in the US have different guidelines and laws for determining alimony. For example, in some states, maintenance periods can be permanent (life-long), some have a … Read more

Modified No Fault Divorce in Missouri – What Does that Mean?

No Fault Divorce

Missouri is a modified no-fault divorce state. But what does that mean? Basically, it means that the divorcing party does not have to prove that their spouse committed some kind of misconduct, such as adultery or abandonment, for the court to grant the divorce. All that has to be proven, with regards to grounds, is … Read more

What Are the Basic Steps of a Divorce?

Divorce Lawyer St Louis

In Missouri, there are specific steps that you need to take when you are entering a petition for divorce. In a perfect world when you say “I do” it is forever. Since there is no such thing as a perfect world, however, many people decide, at some point, that they don’t. Getting divorced is never … Read more