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Navigating Divorce Finances: Key Mistakes to Avoid

Divorce Lawyer St. Louis

Avoiding key financial mistakes is paramount, as these errors can have far-reaching consequences. According to the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA), 22% of divorces result from money issues. Indebted partners, rash financial decisions, and unfulfilled expectations are common ways finances can lead to divorce. After separating from your partner, how you handle your divorce … Read more

Selling Your House During Your Divorce – What Should You Consider

Questions concerning homeownership, whether the division of assets in a sale or who gets to keep the home, are challenging and often fraught with emotion. Going through a divorce is a complicated process for various reasons. If you need to sell your home during your divorce, this may complicate things even further. Questions concerning homeownership, … Read more

When You Divorce, Who Gets the House?

Who Gets the House in a Divorce

Your home may be important to both of you personally and can make property division negotiations complicated and emotional. When you divorce, who gets the house? This is one of the main questions a couple has when they divorce. This is because a home is generally a couple’s most significant asset and also often the … Read more