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Duration of Spousal Maintenance – St. Louis Divorce Lawyers

alimony money in envelope

There are many factors that can affect the duration of spousal maintenance. The term ‘spousal maintenance’ refers to alimony paid to a spouse. Missouri law has set definitive rules about spousal maintenance, its duration, and the amount. Moreover, the Missouri courts have a large amount of discretion when it comes to deciding spousal maintenance. Alimony … Read more

St. Louis Divorce Attorney : Is Alimony Reform Necessary in Missouri?

Spousal Support Attorney

Our firm’s goal is to assist couples in need to navigate their way through these important, life-changing events. Spousal support, or alimony, is a tricky component of divorce. Different states in the US have different guidelines and laws for determining alimony. For example, in some states, maintenance periods can be permanent (life-long), some have a … Read more