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Dating While Divorcing: Is It a Good Idea?

Should I Date While Going Through a Divorce

Individuals have different opinions regarding the matter. While we cannot tell you what to do, we can suggest considering all the factors in your situation. Going through a divorce is typically a physical and emotional process for the parties involved, whether the split is amicable or not. However, it is not unusual to find a … Read more

Do I Have to Pay Child Support if I Lose My Job?

Child Support Lawyer St. Louis

If you lost your job and have child support to pay, seek legal help right away. Your attorney will help you notify your co-parent, the office of child support, and the court about your unemployment status. The pandemic-induced recession has resulted in unprecedented job losses. According to a recent report, overall, it’s estimated that the … Read more

How Can Criminal Conviction Affect Custody Cases?

St. Louis Family Law Lawyer

There are several factors that the court will consider to determine if a prior conviction will factor in the court’s decision. A prior criminal conviction can directly impact a child custody battle. Beyond the loss of custody, a criminal conviction can lead to reduced visitation or loss of child visitation rights in more extreme cases. … Read more

My Kid Wants to Change Their Name – I Need Advice

Teen Name Change Attorney

If your child has requested a legal name change, you undoubtedly have many questions and concerns. At The Betz Law Firm, our firm has handled every type of name change situation. Has your son or daughter expressed a firm desire to change their name? There are several reasons why your kid may want to request … Read more