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Why Is Going Through a Divorce So Complicated?

Why Is Divorce So Complicated

We aim to help make your divorce as uncomplicated as possible. We can’t control your spouse or other external influences but can provide assistance, guidance, and advice when needed. Getting married is relatively easy – you get a marriage license, set a date, and walk down the aisle. Wedding preparations take some planning, but you … Read more

Questions to Ask When Considering Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation St. Louis

Are you and your spouse contemplating divorce? Have you heard about divorce mediation but aren’t sure what it is or how it works? A divorce doesn’t need to be a nasty battle in a courtroom. Many divorcing couples would rather reach an amicable agreement and choose mediation to resolve their divorce. At The Betz Law … Read more

How to Protect Your Children During Divorce

Protecting Children During Divorce

Divorce is complicated enough, to begin with, but things become even more challenging when a couple has children – especially younger ones that likely don’t understand what’s happening. When a couple gets married, they picture having a family and a life together until they grow old. However, sometimes, couples grow apart, want different things, and … Read more

Understanding the Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

Divorce Mediator St. Louis

With mediation, the mediator empowers their clients to make their own decisions. With collaboration, the lawyers give advice and advise the parties on what to do. Regarding family law in Missouri, there are two ways to settle disputes – mediation and collaborative divorce. Both have unique benefits, but what is the difference between them, and … Read more