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Can the Length of Your Marriage Impact Your Divorce Outcome?

St. Louis Divorce Attorney

Did you know that Missouri courts sometimes consider the length of the marriage when deciding divorce cases? When evaluating factors that could influence the outcome of your divorce case, you may overlook the length of your marriage. But did you know that Missouri courts sometimes consider the length of the marriage when deciding divorce cases? … Read more

If My Ex Remarries Does It Affect Child Support & Alimony?

If My Ex Remarries Does It Affect Child Support & Alimony?

Imagine you’ve made it through your divorce.  Now, years later, your former spouse is getting remarried. What does that mean for the maintenance that the family court judge ordered?   Well, as long as it is a legal marriage, you are released from your alimony payments, effective the date of the new marriage.  In fact, Missouri … Read more

Can You Obtain Spousal Support Before a Divorce Concludes?

temporary spousal support lawyer

This compensation is known as temporary support, and it is very common in divorce proceedings. In this article, we will outline some spousal support basics, help you understand how you may obtain temporary compensation, and explain what will happen to it when your divorce concludes. Spousal Support Eligibility and Calculation The first issue you need … Read more

The 4 Most Contentious Issues in Divorce

4 most contentious issues in divorce

If you are considering a divorce, it is important to understand where you may hit a snag in your proceedings. If you pay attention to popular culture, you may think that divorces are always stressful and frustrating from start to finish. Fortunately, this is not always the case. In reality, many splits are relatively straightforward, … Read more

How Long Do You Have to Wait to Get Remarried After Divorce in Missouri?

couple on wedding day

In Missouri, there are no mandatory waiting periods for someone after a divorce is final. The laws regarding remarrying after a divorce are determined at the state level. Some states have mandatory waiting periods before you can say “I do” again. In Missouri, there are no mandatory waiting periods for someone after a divorce is … Read more

Duration of Spousal Maintenance – St. Louis Divorce Lawyers

alimony money in envelope

There are many factors that can affect the duration of spousal maintenance. The term ‘spousal maintenance’ refers to alimony paid to a spouse. Missouri law has set definitive rules about spousal maintenance, its duration, and the amount. Moreover, the Missouri courts have a large amount of discretion when it comes to deciding spousal maintenance. Alimony … Read more