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St. Louis Family Law Attorney Discusses Contempt of Court

st. louis contempt of court lawyer

Contempt of court involves a spouse or parent disobeying a court order, an act that unfortunately our firm has much experience with. Going through a divorce is often a complicated and difficult process. However, when a spouse or parent is in contempt of court, an already difficult situation may get even harder. Violation of custody … Read more

How Social Media is Affecting Marriage & Divorce

How social media affects divorce

A recent study claims that there is a strong correlation between social media use and relationship stability. There was a study conducted in the UK in 2012 that surveyed divorce lawyers to see if there was a connection between the use of social media and divorce. According to the survey, an estimated 1 in 3 … Read more

St. Louis Child Support Lawyers Explain Joint and Sole Custody

Joint custody versus sole custody

Many have a misconception about the meanings of joint and sole custody. Our St. Louis divorce lawyers can help you understand the difference. Going through a divorce can be a complicated process. When children are involved, it can be even more so. There is often a misconception about the meanings of joint and sole custody. … Read more