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What Does Uncontested Child Custody Mean?

Uncontested Child Custody Lawyer

With an uncontested divorce, all aspects of the divorce must be uncontested; this includes child custody. When two people move forward with an uncontested divorce, they significantly reduce their emotional strain and financial burden. In addition, these move much more quickly and smoothly than typical divorce proceedings. However, if you are considering pursuing an uncontested … Read more

Who Gets the Wedding Rings After a Divorce?

St. Louis Divorce Attorney

If you are unaware of what protections are afforded to you, you could quickly sign away something valuable. Before walking down the aisle, before all the planning, budgeting, rehearsals, sampling platters, picking colors, and the vast ocean of efforts that are now commonplace for marriage, there was the engagement ring—that first promise of forever. Unfortunately, … Read more

Tax Season – Who Claims the Kids?

Which Parents Claims the Kids

The answer is the custodial parent but the definition of who is the custodial parent may vary between the courts and the IRS. No one likes paying taxes, but it is just one of those facts of life. The only plus side to tax season is the tax return. So, who gets to claim the … Read more