St. Louis Divorce Lawyers

How to Split Custody During the Holidays and Other Important Events


Shared custody can be challenging. There may be moments when one or both parents need to compromise for the best interest of their children. Holidays can stir up family matters, especially when it comes to divorced or separated parents. Children make important memories during the holidays and it’s important to make them feel safe and … Read more

Who Gets Your Pets in a Divorce?

pets in a divorce

One complicated divorce topic is deciding who gets your pets when you break up. This issue can be confusing and contentious, as both parties involved may be attached to their pets. Splitting Custody When it comes to children, Missouri has a variety of guidelines. What generally happens is that both parents have custody, and the … Read more

Why Long-Distance Parenting Requires Planning

mother getting child in the car

Long-distance parenting seems to hold huge challenges for both parents and children, but with good communication and the right plan, it can work for the benefit of your children, and without compromising your own life situation. Here are the aspects you need to include in your long-distance parenting plan: Visitation Schedule As with any conventional … Read more

Is It Possible to Modify a Divorce Settlement Agreement?

wedding rings on top of money

Life has a way of throwing us curveballs. Maybe you twisted your ankle before a big run, you had an important work event cause you to cancel vacation plans, or weather drove you back indoors instead of that camping trip. In all these instances forces outside of your control directed you to change plans and … Read more

A Brief Guide to Custody Options: the 50/50 Schedule

parent holding child's hand

One of the most difficult decisions a parent has to make during a divorce is setting a schedule for seeing and spending time with their child. A few years back, a law went into effect with the purpose of encouraging judges to award equal custody time (50/50 custody.) However, some judges are hesitant, claiming that … Read more