If you and your spouse have agreed to separate, then you need the help and legal advice of an experienced attorney to make sure you get through this process successfully.
Divorce means different things for different people. For some, it’s their worst nightmare come to life and the start of a painful process. But for others, it’s a gate towards a fresh start, and you may already be emotionally ready to start dating.
But while your divorce is still pending, is it ok to start going on dating sites and meeting new people? The answer is a bit complicated, but let’s dive deeper into the subject.

Defining the Word “Ok”
From a legal standpoint, going on dating sites or dating someone isn’t forbidden when you’re in the middle of a divorce. Missouri has a limited “no-fault” divorce, meaning in most cases, spouses can go through the process without having to prove cruelty or adultery. Irreconcilable differences are the most common motivation for divorce in the state.
Dating during the marriage isn’t ok, but judges will generally not frown on one of the spouses dating throughout a divorce if the couple has already been separated for a while, either.
However, many divorce attorneys will encourage their clients to wait until the divorce is finalized, especially if there is a custody battle involved. So you may want to wait a bit to sign up for these services until your divorce is finalized.
It’s Your Spouse You May Need to Worry About
During a divorce, both parties must remain civil, as much of the proceedings involve negotiating certain terms. Sometimes, showing clear signs that you have moved on, such as going on dating sites, can irritate your former spouse and push them to refuse to cooperate, dragging out the divorce even more, which doesn’t help anyone, after all.
Apart from that, you may complicate matters even further if you also have a custody battle. Judges will make these decisions based on what’s best for the child. Your presence on these sites could allow your former spouse to argue that your dating doesn’t create an excellent child environment, especially given that divorce is a traumatic experience for children. An argument that your former spouse can use is that their child shouldn’t live in a place where strangers (the people you’re dating) come all the time, and the judge may agree.
Additionally, given that these profiles are public, they can be used against you. Your photos, descriptions, and even interactions with people on these social media sites may be brought in front of the judge to paint you in an unfavorable light.
Contact Your St. Louis Divorce Attorney
If you and your spouse have agreed to separate, then you need the help and legal advice of an experienced attorney to make sure you get through this process successfully. Get in touch with a St. Louis divorce attorney as soon as possible for a consultation and best recommendations on properly navigating this process.
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