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Navigating Divorce Finances: Key Mistakes to Avoid

Divorce Lawyer St. Louis

Avoiding key financial mistakes is paramount, as these errors can have far-reaching consequences. According to the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA), 22% of divorces result from money issues. Indebted partners, rash financial decisions, and unfulfilled expectations are common ways finances can lead to divorce. After separating from your partner, how you handle your divorce … Read more

How the “Best Interest of the Child” Principle Affects Custody

Child Custody Laws Missouri

The “best interest of the child” principle is a fundamental concept in family law that plays a significant role in determining child custody arrangements during divorce or separation proceedings. In Missouri, child custody is awarded based on the “best interest of the child.” Unsurprisingly, this principle eludes first-time divorcees since the criteria to determine a … Read more

Your Divorce Is Uncontested: Do You Still Need an Attorney?

Uncontested Divorce Attorney St. Louis

While uncontested divorces are generally more straightforward than contested ones, it’s essential to recognize the value of legal counsel in these situations. Divorce can be complex and emotionally charged, but not all divorces are filled with contentious battles. In an uncontested divorce, spouses generally agree on significant issues like property division, child custody, and support. … Read more

The Difference Between a Joint Petition and Uncontested Divorce

Joint Petition vs Uncontested Divorce

While both avenues promote a cooperative approach to divorce, the methods of filing and processing differ. Navigating the intricacies of divorce can be daunting. The myriad of legal terms and procedures may leave many couples feeling overwhelmed. Among the concepts frequently encountered are “joint petition” and “uncontested divorce.” While both terms indicate a level of … Read more