
Tips to Help You Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce

Divorcing parents need to prepare a plan, leave out the messy details, and be open to different reactions and questions from their kids.

Talking about your divorce with your kids can be difficult and painful. However, it’s essential to tell them as early as possible before they hear it from someone else. But how do you do it? Here are some steps you and your soon-to-be-ex should take to ease the process.

Tips to Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce

The following are some of the tips on how to tell your children about your divorce:

  1. Prepare a Plan – It would help plan when, how, and what you will tell your children. For example, choose a day that allows for family time, like a weekend. Also, don’t communicate the news when the kids are sad or during birthdays or holidays. Instead, choose a time that would bring the least impact. Additionally, choose a time when you and your spouse are unlikely to become angry with each other.
  2. Keep the Message Clear & Simple – Parents should leave out messy details that could make the children think that they may cause the divorce. As a parent, think about what your children can easily understand at this stage. If you’re unsure about what to tell your kids, many professionals, including divorce attorneys, can guide you on how to do it right.
  3. Talk to Your Children Together – If possible, talk to your children together. This will prevent some of your children from discovering the news first and bearing the burden of keeping your divorce status a secret.
  4. Expect Mixed Reactions – Children will react differently to the news. Some may have tantrums, while others will refuse to ask any questions. As a parent, you should be prepared for these reactions. Don’t argue with them. Instead, understand your children’s reactions and offer ways to assist them in dealing with the news so that it hurts less.
  5. Be Open to Questions – Some children will have many questions. Therefore, answer kids’ questions and respond to their emotional needs. This will encourage them to ask more questions when they arise.
  6. Make them Aware of Future Arrangements – It’s essential to include your children in every step of the divorce process to avoid anyone feeling lost. Make sure you involve your children in all your future arrangements. If both parents agree to share time with the kids, let the kids know about the schedule. Also, don’t make promises that are not true or promise things that you may not be able to do in the future.

Contact Divorce Attorneys at The Betz Law Firm

If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, contact the divorce attorneys at Betz Law Firm. We will handle your divorce case and protect your rights and interests. We’ll also share with you tips on how to help your children cope with your divorce or separation. Contact us today to book an appointment.

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