
5 Ways to Communicate with Your Spouse During Your Divorce

Poor communication may have been one of the issues that lead to your divorce. However, here are 5 ways to communicate during your divorce to make the process a little less stressful.

Divorce is obviously not something any newlywed anticipates when saying their vows, but the harsh truth is that many marriages go down this path. Divorce is a process filled with frustration and pain, which can pull apart spouses even more. However, it’s much easier to go through the legal proceedings and agree on terms when you are in good communication with your spouse.

Here are 5 ways to improve your communication during your divorce to help make things go as smoothly as possible:

1. Pay Attention to How You talk to Them

It’s not only what you say – it’s how you say it. During a divorce, emotions run high, and it’s easy for either party to get frustrated and let their emotions take over. Even if you manage to control the words that come out, the tone of your voice can paint a different picture.

Try to remain calm and not let the tone of voice lead the conversation. Remember, the goal is not to upset or alienate the spouse, making the process more difficult.

2. Stay Focused on the Issues

A divorce can get messy, and spouses may use certain meetings as opportunities to vent. It’s perfectly understandable to want to get these off your chest, but these discussions do not help either of you at the end of the day.

Try to keep all your discussions on the divorce issues, such as the custody of your children. You can talk to your spouse about other issues later on.

3. Remember They Are Having a Hard Time Too

Nobody comes out from a divorce saying they had a good time. Even if the other spouse was the one that filed for divorce, likely, they are still experiencing much of the things you are. It’s a strange period, a transition for both of you, and you may need time to adjust. Remember that when you are talking to them.

4. Keep It Between the Two of You

It’s advisable not to discuss the terms of your divorce openly with other people, especially in moments where you’re angry and not very careful about how you express your thoughts and feelings. In some cases, friends or family members may need to give out statements, and they could say some things that could be unfavorable to your case.

5. Use a Mediator

If you cannot talk to them yourself, a mediator can help you find a middle ground. So, if you and your spouse can’t seem to have any sort of discussion, propose looking into mediation to bridge this gap.

We Can Help!

Divorces aren’t always the dramatic events some movies paint them to be, but you still need a lawyer by your side to make sure you get through this entire process without losing what’s rightfully yours. Contact a St. Louis divorce lawyer now for legal advice on how to move forward.

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Our firm uses experience, good communication, and availability to help families navigate life-changing events.

The Betz Law Firm

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The Betz Law Firm
Tags: divorce

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